I believe the time has come to consider as an utmost priority the crucial need for a spiritual grounding of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, in its contemporary form, constitutes an anthropological enterprise which intentions, in the West, have, for some time now, transcended the confines of a mere therapeutic intervention into behaviour and -through its many «Schools» - beacons expectantly for participation in a quest which deals with the very being of Man and the Cosmos. It even purports to present a practically holistic interpretation of Man, his destiny and civilization (culture) (for people like Karl Gustav Jung or Karen Horney have shown us, for example, that neuroses have to do with the very foundations of the identity of a civilization). Thus, it is important to point out that in this holistic approach, which also aims at an absolutely practical, empirical intervention into the Being of Man, psychotherapy becomes once again precisely «theological». To wit, this reminds us of what was always unconsciously present in this quest, aside from incidental «metaphysical» fabrications attributed to psychotherapy from time to time: the archetypal Christian Theology itself as a direct attempt to assume the suffering and fragmented human being as his «salvation».
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